Fix Pack 1 fixes a few issues reported by customers who installed ProjExec 6.5 primarily around stability of the new HTML Gantt Editor. You can simply apply the Fix Pack (see instructions in the ProjExec installation guide). Customers who have not yet installed 6.5 should download the new installer which includes FP1, so there is no need to reapply the fix pack independently.
One thing to keep in mind is that upgrading ProjExec is far less involved than an IBM Connections upgrade. The ProjExec data structure upgrade is fully automated in the installer and done “in-place” versus a Connections “side-by-side” upgrade which involves data migration. Also, every ProjExec fix pack and release are cumulative which means that you can upgrade direcly to the latest ProjExec release as long as you are running a supported version of IBM Connections. This is why we always recommend to be on the latest ProjExec release.
Upgrades and fixes are seamless to cloud customers using ProjExec Live and our cloud environment is updated prior to download availability for on-premises customer.
If you are not sure which release/fix pack of ProjExec you’re running, simply go to Help/About to find this information.